Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Temujin and the Sports Brassiere

While Cupid licked the black belt uniform, Temujin discovered the pink sports brassiere worn with it and bearing it off with him to the floor, began to roll about in ecstacy.  I have had a few cats in my lifetime, but never any who were so besotted with items of clothing and footwear.  They truly are fetishists!

A Taste for Martial Arts

My pedigree cats all belong to a single bloodline and family.  It is well-known that generations of inbreeding among the aristocracy created problems and that many of the offspring produced were slightly or completely mad as well as suffering from the occasional physical disability or disease.  Cats can be no different.  My Puttikins are gorgeous but they excel in eccentric behavioural patterns. 

Here is my Cupid who always looks rather dissipated as he is prone to allergies.  The only sign of this are his eyes, which tend to water, leaving dark pools beneath the heavenly blue orbs.

Cupid, as befits his name perhaps, is a fetishist.  He loves to lick shoes, feet and any piece of lingerie that he can grab.  Today he exhibited a new fetish for martial arts uniforms.  Here you can see him licking a black belt uniform with great passion.