Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Puttikin Dialogues

Himalayan cats, like Persians, require regular grooming.  If I take one of my Cats out of their room and sit in a very small room with him or her, the Cat will sit calmly and quietly for hours while I use the comb.  If, however, I am in a rush and attempt to groom any or all of them 'on the run' as it were, there is general resistance and consternation.  The act of one Cat affects the others.  One Putti running from the comb creates a general exodus.

Today, I found that Beauty and Temujin desperately needed a little grooming in the neck area, but I did not have the time to take them out of the room to perform a ritualistic grooming.  i therefore took the Comb and attempted to groom Beauty a little.  Amazingly, I was able to accomplish my task, not only with respect to Beauty but with Temmi as well.

When I began to move away from Temujin, Ash saw the comb and went into a panic.  I declared, 'rather contemptuously I fear: 'It's not as though I'm THAT into it, Ash.  I do have other things to do in life apart from combing YOU.'

So that is the Putti Dialogue for Wednesday, 27 March.  I daresay I am not the only Cat fancier who tcarries on conversations with his/her feline children.  I think I will keep a little journal... After all, according to THEM, I have absolutely nothing else to do with my life apart from serving my Cats.

N.B.  The three photographs show Isabella during a 'grooming session'.  AKA 'Bitey', Isabella was the most energetic and mischievous of all my Puttikins as a young kitten and loved to bite.  She never bit hard, never broke the skin, but I was under the mistaken impression originally that she was not the nicest of my Cats.  In fact, it was simply her way of playing and she is a very affectionate and sweet cat.  She loves to place one paw on my cheek while she licks my chin.  She becomes rather distressed if I do not allow her this daily greeting ritual!  Readers of the 'Twilight' series will understand the link between her name, Isabella and her nickname, 'Bitey'.  After all, Vampires are known for their bites!